Sloka dan BBC, Bersaudara Tapi Berbeda

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Bali Tribune memuat satu halaman penuh tentang Bali Blogger Community.

Koran harian di Denpasar ini menulis di halaman 8 edisi Kamis, 8 April 2012 lalu. Tulisan tersebut terbagi jadi empat. Pertama tentang komunitas blogger Bali yang biasa disingkat BBC ini. Tiga lainnya profil tiga anggota BBC yaitu Pande Baik, Hendra W Saputra, dan.. aku.

Tentu saja aku senang masuk koran. Terima kasih untuk Bali Tribune yang sudah membahas komunitas kami hingga satu halaman penuh. Kalau di Bali Post, mungkin kami harus bayar sampai jutaan. Untungnya ini tidak perlu bayar. Tulisannya juga asyik karena mengulas profil komunitas plus tiga anggotanya.

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Hiperkonsumerisme, Hiperteks, Hipermedia

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Akhirnya, aku menemukan lagi tulisan reflektif dengan bahasa ringan ala Bre Redana. Pemikir dan penulis kajian kebudayaan (cultural studies) ini orang yang meracuniku lewat tulisan-tulisannya tentang gaya hidup sejak 10 tahun lalu. Selalu nyentil dengan bahasa ringan.

Begitu pula tulisannya kali ini di Kompas. Aku tahu tentang tulisan ini malah dari Bunda pas lagi ngobrol santai. Maka, tulisan ini pun aku salin dan tempel di blog ini. Semata buat mengingatkan diri meski pada beberapa hal aku rasa kurang tepat dan aku tak setuju dengannya.

Tulisan ini ada di edisi cetak namun aku temukan pula di Kompas Tekno. Selamat membaca dan berefleksi ria.

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Komunikasi dalam Islam yang Toleran

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Ketika kekerasan atas nama agama kian akrab, tulisan ini sangat relevan.

Sebab, aku masih yakin bahwa Islam yang aku kenal tidaklah diwakili orang-orang berteriak Allahu Akbar sambil membunuh orang meski berbeda keyakinan. Karena itu, tulisan Syafiq Basri Assegaff, Dosen Ilmu Komunikasi dan Peneliti di Pusat Studi Islam dan Kenegaraan (PSIK) Universitas Paramadina, di Kompas ini sangat penting untuk disimpan dan disebarluaskan.

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Scuba porters content with small earnings

A dark cloud glided slowly over Tulamben beach that quiet morning. Two local women walked along the shoreline carrying scuba tanks on their heads.

They belonged to a group of local porters, who carry all the heavy equipment for scuba divers.

Tulamben is one of the island’s most favorite diving spots. Around 20 meters from the shoreline, the famous World War II’s wreck of the USAT Liberty lies on Tulamben’s sandy bottom, waiting for the divers.

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Foreigners brave age-old pandanus battle ritual

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Anton Muhajir, Contributor, Karangasem | Mon, 06/28/2010 10:00 AM | Bali

Maurizio Rosenberg Colorni was trapped in a fierce battle, but showed no fear in facing his enemy in the centuries-old ritual of pandanus battle, held during a special ceremony in the Tenganan Indigenous community in Karangasem, East Bali, recently.

Despite a wound in his neck and back, Colorni was brave enough to answer a local boy’s challenge to finish the duel.

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Disabled children cross right into borderless world

Anton Muhajir,  Contributor,  Badung  | Thu, 11/26/2009 1:29 PM  |  Surfing Bali

Twenty-three-year-old Luh Putu Eka Swandewi was excited as she read a message in her laptop screen. Staring at her laptop screen, she read the message from Yahoo!: “Congratulations, Eka.”

“Hooray.I made it!” she said while raising her hands. Some of her friends in the room gave her applause.

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Drug users not treated humanely

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Anton Muhajir, The Jakarta Post, Denpasar | Fri, 08/14/2009 2:11 PM | The Archipelago

Drug users in Asia and Pacific regions face discrimination and limited access to proper medical treatment since many of these countries still regard human rights as minor problems, a forum was told Thursday.

“It requires comprehensive policy changes at the national, regional and international levels to enable these persons to receive needed medications and treatments,” said a speaker in a forum on Injecting Drug Users (IDU), with the theme Reform: Toward Human Rights Drug Policy, in Sanur, as part of the 9th International Congress on AIDS in the Asia-Pacific.

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