Making citizen journalism works

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Citizen journalism team after visit (Photo: Edy Can)

Yesterday, we visited RTV Utrecht. It is a media centrum in Utrecht, the Netherlands. We, five of participants of media online training in Hilversum, discussed and explored mainly about citizen journalism website. It was very interesting to know more about how it’s website,, works.

Here is the presentation we have based on the visit. This material compiled by us: Edy, Komang, Imung, Iman, and me. We presented the material in Corner Room today.

Media visit to RTV Utrecht

In citizen (journalism) we trust

When I started building Bale Bengong, a Bali-based citizen journalism website in June 2007, I wasn’t really optimistic. At that time, I only thought that journalism I knew had a lot of lack or even contradictions.

Therefore, I believed that we should bring a new approach to journalism. And I think, citizen journalism is one of the answers.

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