Rumah Tulisan

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Throw the Shoes at Bush


The Iraqi journalist Muntather Al-Zaidi spoke for millions of Iraqis and outraged people everywhere when he threw his shoes at George Bush during Bush’s publicity stunt “victory lap” in Baghdad on Dec. 14. We are all campaigning for Mr. Al-Zaidi’s release.

Below is a Season’s Greeting Card from the ANSWER Coalition. Feel free to send the card to your friends and family by clicking here.

A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition

  1. Uchan Avatar

    Posternya ada format PSD nya gak yah… bagusnya diganti gambar granat tu gambar2 sepatunya 😛

    1. antonemus Avatar

      hehe. silakan ganti, mas..

  2. nono Avatar

    ngumpet aja bush…
    wakakakakak… 😀

    1. antonemus Avatar

      hehe. mau ngumpet di mana?

  3. HeLL-dA Avatar

    Awak tertarik lihat sepatu-sepatu di atas…

    1. antonemus Avatar

      silakan dibeli kalo tertarik. 🙂

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